Aviation colleges offer training to qualified individuals in undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the airline industry. There are over 250 aviation colleges in the USA. Many of the study programs offered by aviation colleges result in the issuance of a license or certificate for the aviation student. Those aviation colleges that offer licenses and certificates are accredited by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). Here are some of the study programs offered by aviation colleges:
Academic Study Programs: All aviation students begin their studies in aviation college by taking fundamental academic courses in English composition, speech, behavioral science, mathematics, and humanities. Once they have completed their fundamental studies, the aviation student can choose to study in an advanced aviation field that can result in the issuance of a license or certificate.
Aviation Pilot Training Programs: Aviation student pilots study meteorology, flight communications, navigation principals, navigation systems, instrument approach procedures, navigational charts and airspace, manual flight planning, and other flight and navigation subjects. They are also taught to fly different fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft by using flight simulators and actual aircraft. Aviation student pilots fly cross-country trips in and out of international airports to obtain their pilot's license. Aviation students who obtain their pilot's license can become pilots and/or certified flight instructors.
Aircraft Maintenance Training Programs: Aviation maintenance students are trained to inspect and maintain the engines and mechanical equipment of different aircraft. Aviation maintenance students that complete their training receive a certificate that allows them to work on airplanes, helicopters, and other aircraft.
Aircraft Dispatcher Training Programs: Aviation dispatcher students study the same flight navigation and communications classes as airplane pilots. Additionally, aviation dispatcher students learn local and international rules and regulations for aircraft dispatchers. Dispatchers also study military aircraft operations, airline regulatory agencies, and corporate aircraft operations.
Air Traffic Control Specialist Programs: Aviation air traffic control specialist students learn to guide pilots and their planes during takeoff, flight, and landing. Air traffic control specialist programs include over a year of on-the-job training experience at national and international airports in the U.S.A.
With the different licenses and certificates that aviation students receive, they are qualified to work in many aviation fields. Aviation college offers career placement for the aviation student upon graduation. Aviation colleges also offer continuing study programs that enable working aviation professionals to upgrade and advance in the latest airplane and navigation technology. Aviation college is a complete educational resource for the aviation student and accomplished aviation professional that they will continue to use throughout their career.